When I was younger, we used to play a game called “Mother, May I?”.
The whole premise of the game was that before you could make a move, you needed to ask permission.
Sometimes your request was granted and other times, it was not.
We didn’t realize it then, but we were learning some pretty serious life lessons.
One of those lessons was rather tricky –
we learned that we cannot make a move without someone else’s permission.
While learning to follow rules is definitely a good thing,
there are times when this permission-seeking behavior can actually keep us stuck.
This is especially true if we are seeking permission and validation
from folks who do not have our best interests at heart.
Whose permission are you seeking …
to pursue your dreams?
to take better care of yourself?
to get some rest?
to move into the next level of your career?
Let me help you.
Take a look at your calendar. Do you see it? This is the month of MAY.
There’s your permission!
Yes, you MAY rest.
Yes, you MAY dream.
Yes, you MAY pursue your goals.
Yes, you MAY love yourself.
I challenge you to give yourself permission this month to reach beyond your limits and #AwakenYourChange
Stay Safe & Be Well,
Dr. J