Happy 2022 ChangeFam!!!
Another year has come and gone and I am so happy to have you still here with me. I don’t take that lightly.
Thank you!
If you follow the business page on social media, you’ve likely already read my rant about why I hate the phrase, ‘new year, new me’.

An unpopular opinion, I know, but let me explain.
‘New Year, New Me’ is a shame-based thought.
Shame says ‘I am something bad/wrong’.
That way of thinking leaves no room for growth or change.
It’s perfectly normal (and HEALTHY) to have some regret or guilt about mistakes made, but that sounds different.
Guilt and regret say, ‘I DID something bad/wrong’.
And THAT, my friends, is much easier to navigate. Lighter even, because if I did something, I have the power to choose to do something different.
When you proudly proclaim‘ new year, new me’ you are essentially saying that YOU are the problem.
You are also discounting all of the lessons you’ve learned, all the insight and experience you’ve gained, and all the growth you’ve achieved.
And for what? Because of a flip of the calendar?! That doesn’t make sense!
I understand that you want to put the pain of the past behind you. I get that.
We’ve all had some less than stellar moments we’d like to forget.
But, as Winston Churchill wrote, “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
Maybe, just maybe, the reason you keep creating new versions of yourself is because you have failed to learn and are repeating negative cycles.
Perhaps then, the answer is to learn to be whole instead of busying yourself trying to create a new you.
What if we purposed to be WHOLE this year instead?
What do you think you’d discover about yourself?
About your decision-making?
About your communication?
About your boundaries?
About your heart?
Make this year the year you declare, new year, WHOLE me and watch how differently these next few months unfold.
Get to know yourself better and I promise you will #AwakenYourChange
Stay safe & be well,
Dr. J
Want to be a WHOLE you this year, but need some extra help?
Click below for more information about a special session facilitated by Dr. J launching 1/31/22.